The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur make known God’s goodness through educating for life and taking a stand with people living in poverty, especially women and children.
To celebrate the lives of loved ones, many of our supporters send Tribute Cards. You choose to whom and when to send the card.
When you request cards sent to you, you can choose to ask the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur to remember your honoree in their prayers. We also honor all our benefactors. Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur offers these cards for those wishing to express their sympathy or well wishes. The cards shown below showcase artwork or photography by our SNDdeN Sisters.
Contributions to the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur are used to further the mission and ministries of the congregation, including caring for the retired sisters. All those honored or remembered are prayed for by our sisters.
Birthday eCard
Artwork by: Sister Nancy O’Shea, SNDdeN
Send this Birthday eCard to your loved one, which you can personalize with a message.
Get-well eCard
Artwork by: Sister Ann Carmel Badalamente, SNDdeN
Send this Get-well eCard to your loved one. You can personalize with a message.
Stained Glass Blank eCard
Stained glass window designed by Sister Vincent de Paul, SNDdeN for Our Lady Queen Chapel, Ipswich, Massachusetts Photography by Sister Angele Lewis, SNDdeN
Personalize this eCard with your message
"Thinking of you" eCard
Artwork by: Terry Davis, SNDdeN.
Send a "Thinking of you" eCard. You can personalize with your own message
Memorial eCard
Artwork by Sister Patricia O’Rourke, SNDdeN
Send your loved one a "Thinking of You" eCard
Celebration eCard
Artwork by: Sister Veronica Julie Pranskunas, SNDdeN
Send this celebratory eCard for graduation, weddings, anniversaries or even birthdays!
St. Julie Blank eCard
St. Julie Billiart statue resides outside of our Province Center in Ipswich, Massachusetts
Personalize this eCard with your own message